Thursday, February 26, 2009

Another trip to Urgent Care

When I picked Libbie up from daycare on Tuesday afternoon, I knew it was not going to be a good night. Usually she is having a really good time when I pick her up, but when I got there Tuesday, she was sitting on the floor crying because she couldn't get her sock back on. When she saw me, the tears really started to flow. She wouldn't even help put her coat on. She didn't want to be put down. She was cranky all night and I was happy to put her to bed at 8 pm. By 9, she was in my bed cuddling with me. We let her sleep in our bed, but she didn't sleep much. She had a fever that hovered between 102-103. She was begging me to take her to the doctor to get her medicine. I would have taken her to the ER, but the roads were really bad with that snow/rain mix we had gotten.
In the morning, I got up at 6 and got ready for work. I am filling in for Northwood, so I HAD to go to work. The problem was that Curt had to go to work too. We compromised on me working the morning and him the afternoon. I called the supervisor of Northwood and she was so thankful that I was at least going in to open. I worked until my replacement from Grand Forks got there, at about 10 am. Then I went back to Larimore, scooped up Libbie and we headed to GF. Libbie's doctor was out sick, so we had to go to Urgent Care. Libbie had a pretty high fever, so we got moved ahead of a few patients. We got back to Urgent Care after about a 20 minute wait. We waited in the exam room for about an hour. Libbie crying the whole time!! The doctor came in and examined her. She decided to take blood, since Libbie has all the tummy problems all the time. She was also concerned about the high fever. Once they tried to take it though, they realized how dehydrated she was. Words were thrown around about an IV. I wasn't crazy about the idea, so we got her juice and water and got her to drink. We spent about a total of 3 hours in Urgent Care. Then we were sent on our merry way to get her antibiotics and ear drops. We got her some juice at Hugos (Dom's favorite). She got her lunch at McDonalds at about 1:30 (she was starving!!)
On the way home, we stopped to see her daddy. (my car was making funny noises) Then we had to stop at Everson's. As we drove by she kept yelling that she needed to show Grandma her ears!! So we stopped there. By the time we got home everyone was exhausted! She layed on the couch and watched tv. She got some pizza for supper and got to go visit her Grandpa Jeff. She went to daycare this morning and hopefully she makes it all day!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Pictures from daycare

These photos are from Tanya Wentz, Libbie's daycare provider. She emailed them to me at work and I coulnd't resist posting them. It is interesting how she poses for all of them.
Lib is doing very well. She is doing very well with potty training and goes most nights without wetting her bed. Currently, she has a cold, which is making her a little cranky. Hope it goes away soon. Her daddy is taking her(and her mother) to Minneapolis. She is excited to see the fishies at underwater world. We are going to stay in a hotel with a big water park too! I am in it to go to IKEA!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Not a good blogger

So... I know I havn't updated for two months. I've been busy!! I got a new postion with Alerus Financial and have been learning my new role. I also have still been working for Altru part time doing SK marketing. I will try to post some new pics tonight. No promises...